Soon, you’ll be able to buy one online. But for now -- you can win it!
Tag your Food Whore-related photos with #foodwhore, @jessica_tom and @tilit_chef_goods. And that’s it. The apron will be at the event (and of course event photos make great entries), but you don’t have to be there to win it. The contest ends on Wednesday, November 4th at midnight (it’s a flash giveaway, remember).
- Your account must be public, at least to me. A private entry is no entry.
- I’ll scour Instagram, Facebook, and Twitter for entries. Every social media network is considered one entry (ie: the same photo posted across three social media networks is three entries).
- The winner will be selected at random and contacted by the end of the week.
- You may enter multiple times.
- Photos must be be posted between 9am Sunday, November 1st and midnight Wednesday, November 4th. Photos posted before the contest announcement are not eligible.
- The apron is valued at $85 and will be shipped to the winner at no cost.
I can't wait to see all of you. 'Til then!