What are tickle mints?


Not hot like chili peppers, not cold like peppermint, a lukewarm buzz from the curious Spilanthes plant. This packaging prototype was inspired by the matchbox at the Philly Morimoto. I imagine the tassels being silicone, so you can tickle anything or anyone (with whatever you put inside the drawer), then clean and reuse as necessary. I thought of candy tins and their keepsake value, but then added some functional whimsy and perhaps a little provocation (remember the soda, Balls?). The flavor profile in development has much in common with stimulating aromatherapy scents: sage, rosemary, cinnamon, spearmint. Plus a dash of chlorophyll for the overlooked refreshment of greenness, and of course, tickle. Right now this is just a flavored sugar syrup, but might become more photogenic given some TLC.