Happy Friday!
Made this thingy above -- vegan sausage skewered with tricolor potatoes, over a beet sauerkraut. I love German beer hall food (recently discovered and loved this place), but for home, I like something a little more low-key.
The sausage is by Field Roast, and is made with "grain meat", eggplant, fennel, red wine, garlic and sweet peppers. It's...not a sausage. But it is tasty on its own merit -- chewy, "meaty", and well-seasoned. I mellowed out 1 lb of sauerkraut by adding three grated beets and simmered it all for about 5 minutes. Talk about a MESS. But it was all quite delicious. We were just missing beer :(
Here's some other stuff I'm into this week...
One of my best friends is in town to be honored at a little conference called Women in the World (where Hillary Clinton is the headline speaker and Angelina Jolie is providing closing remarks). She and her co-founder invented the Luminaid -- maybe you saw it on Shark Tank? It's been amazing watching her company grow... and I know there's a lot more to come.
On Earth Day, this guy swam the Gowanus Canal to raise awareness for water cleanup. At some point, he wants all people to be able to swim the canal. I live close to the Gowanus Canal -- it separates Carroll Gardens from Park Slope -- and have always been fascinated by it. However, I would not dip a toe in the Gowanus Canal. (Related: these stunning/disturbing images of the water).
I've started doing Forrest Yoga, which this NY Times article describes as such:
Say “Forrest Yoga” to a yogi, and the first word that comes to mind is “intense.” It is known for its long holding of positions, emphasis on abdominal core work and standing series that can go on for 20 poses on each side.
The ab work is slow, small, and torturous. That's my least favorite part. But the sustained poses really help you focus on lengthening and breathing. Just yesterday I did my first headstand on my own! (Related: This very humbling video of the creator of Forrest yoga, Ana Forrest, on the mat. I still have a verrrrrrrrrrrrrry long way to go).
Next week, I'm starting an 8-week Fiction III workshop at the Sackett Street Workshop. Time to get cracking on BOOK TWO.
Hope you have a great weekend!